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Public school in a sentence

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Sentence count:82Posted:2017-10-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: public sectorpublic speakerpublic servantpublic holidaypublic housingpublic speakingpublic securitypublic policyMeaning: n. 1. a tuition free school in the United States supported by taxes and controlled by a school board 2. private independent secondary school in Great Britain supported by endowment and tuition. 
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1. He was educated at public school.
2. Ingrid is currently teaching Mathematics at Shimla Public School.
3. He was headmaster of a public school in the West of England.
4. As a public school boy, he should know better.
5. Composer in residence with Pittsburgh public school system.
6. Public school teachers earned $ 547 a year.
7. Even when their grades are the same, public school students are still much more likely to win places at the 13.
8. They were refused admission to a public school attended by white children solely because of their race....
9. Harvey, with his public school accent and laid-back manner, was a different kettle of fish.
10. Caldecott was the epitome of the public school chump that Nick detested.
11. Vouchers as a ticket out of the public school systems is the cure-all of others.
12. She switched to public school for only one reason: basketball.
13. Can public school teachers do remedial work in religious schools?
14. She loves the public school system that educates her 14-year-old daughter.
15. Several public school superintendents in Washington state have begun making plans with Lewis to offer Dvorak to beginners in typing classes.
16. My dad always claimed to have gone to public school, but he was never precise about which one.
17. He speaks with a public school accent and looks every inch the business executive he, of course,( is.
18. Whilst at public school, the young Joe Strummer was an avid stamp collector.
19. Public school twits, she thought, an old prejudice welling up in her.
20. It conformed to her image of what a public school should look like.
21. In 1854, Cheltenham Ladies' College became the first girls' public school.
22. Only Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas specifically prohibit collective bargaining for public school employees.
23. Museums can offer enriching experiences for children as well as adults, but they are ill-equipped to replace public school art classes.
24. Winning ways NORTH-EAST pupils have won half the scholarships awarded by the public school, Giggleswick, for pupils starting in September.
25. I will have to walk the two-block gauntlet to Public School 45.
26. Lynette, Deborah, and Doreen, all in eighth grade in public school.
27. Advanced Hooray Most Hoorays you are likely to come across will have been educated at a public school.
28. Deciding whether home-school students could choose to play at any public school or only the one in their attendance district.
29. The employers pledged to provide summer and after-school jobs for young people and to give priority hiring to public school graduates.
30. But the proposals were rejected by Democratic legislators, who said the underfunded public school system would lose too much money.
More similar words: public sectorpublic speakerpublic servantpublic holidaypublic housingpublic speakingpublic securitypublic policyschoolpublicold schoolin schoolat schoolrepublicin publicpubliclyschool busschoolbagpreschoolschoolboyschoolinggo to schoolschool ageRepublicanpublicisepublicallypublicistpublic lawpublicitypublicize
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  • Jose 2023-02-28 16:39:42
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  • Jose 2023-02-24 02:59:24
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  • Marcos 2023-02-23 21:00:37
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  • Grace 2023-02-23 16:07:51
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  • Angelita 2023-02-23 16:04:43
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  • Angelita 2023-02-23 03:22:01
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  • Esther 2023-02-22 15:32:57
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  • me 2022-11-18 03:44:07
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